Sunday, July 18, 2010

Not a Movie Review: Michael Clayton is a Bore

MICHAEL CLAYTON is a movie about a lawyer who has spent too much time 'negotiating and fixing deals' and the theme interested me. George Clooney plays the protagonist. The movie hints at the huge stakes that a law firm has in an environmental corporate sort of case and the way Clayton's personal problems of being broke and in debt come into conflict with his professional interests. One fine day, his car explodes before his eyes and that is when he realizes that some one is trying to get rid of him.

Too often, we find Clayton looking lost and staring without expression, at what's in front of him.

The actress in this movie is Tilda Swinton. She is the epitome of an ambitious corporate lawyer whose greed for fame and publicity fuels her need to prove herself infallible. She spends most of her time practicing lines before a mirror. Her character lacks substance in the way its been etched out and it is clear right from the start that she has to maintain a dour expression, without even the hint of a smile.

The theme was a good one but was badly executed. It just rips apart your patience and kills your interest in the movie. The end was brilliant and worth the wait, to some extent. If you can stay patient, this may be a movie that will try it further.


R. Ramesh said...

haha patience and me are distant no to this movie..:) how r u doing sir? take care wishes, esp to junior...

SG said...

The movie requires patience from the audience. In return, it does not cop out with a cheap twise or turn at the end.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Not a good recommendation. I have yet to hear anyone say that this is a good film.

Sanand said...

@R Ramesh - Glad to hear from you, as always. Keeping busy @ work is the challenge once courts reopen and for adi, the challenge lies in tolerating school:)

@SG- Absolutely!

@Petty Witter -Yep, I liked the theme coz so many lawyers are becoming 'fixers' as it pays more and there is more challenge to it but somehow it lacks professional ethics and respectability. Thanks for sharing your views.

Mridula said...

I liked it a lot but then maybe it was the Clooney effect!

Sanand said...

@Mridula - Maybe its more about patience level. You are more patient as a viewer, perhaps. Never been a Clooney fan but my wife is one so I understand:)

R. Ramesh said...

sanand's is real bad to be without power supply for 3 days in a desert...v r like fried sharjah